Building Manager - 0451 510 217


Building Works


We all love to individualise our homes, but there are requirements that need to be followed as part of living in a strata community.  Most additions or renovations fall under the definition of “Building Works”. Many common requests for alterations are covered under specific by-laws. Check the list below, or look at the “Quick Links” on this page.

A Building Works By-Law covers general additions and renovations and includes a pro forma
for a Special By-Law if this is required. Building works may include renovating your bathroom or kitchen, or relocating power points.

All building works must have prior approval of the Strata Committee of the Owners Corporation. If you intend doing any alterations, in the first instance contact the Building Manager before planning any works. The Building Manager can advise you on the work you plan to undertake, and will assist you in the process of seeking approval from the Strata Committee. Written detail of all works must be submitted (via the Strata Manager), including plans, timelines and potential impacts to common property. Please refer to the Rules & By-Law for Building Works.

A number of other building works are covered by specific by-laws, including:

Go to the Living section for a full list of common applications. Application forms for of common work can be found here.


Only the Mondrian Executive Committee on behalf of the Owners Corporation can give permission for building works. The Building Manager cannot (and will not) give permission for any building works including general renovations, security & fly screens, floorboards, air conditioners, car park storage, exterior painting work or any other building works.


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