Approximately 50% of apartments in Mondrian Waterloo are leased by their owners and occupied by tenants. Tenancies change typically more often than owner occupiers.
Tenants are welcomed as part of the Mondrian community, with the cooperation of property owners and their agents vital in ensuring that their tenants become valued residents.
Landlords and their Agents – Duties
We appreciate the assistance of landlords and agents in observing the following:
- Ensuring that tenants have been given copies of the Mondrian By Laws and that they understand them.
- Lodging details of leases with Mondrian’s Strata Manager to maintain an up to date record of all residents.
- Advising any potential tenants with pets that approval may be given for one small pet only and that this approval must be obtained before moving in.
- Providing the Building Manager with the date the tenants will be moving in, ensuring that all moves take place within approved hours and that any lift being used has protective curtains fitted.
- Giving the Building Manager contact details for all tenants (name, email address, telephone no.)